Disruptive solution of fall detection

No camera to

protect privacy


and pendant

No need to

press button

No need to

recharge frequently

Penetrate water vapor,fog,

smoke to detect presence


fall detection

The mmWave radar sensor can automatically detect
falls and provide real-time warning

Non-invasive & Contactless solutions enable seniors with dignity to live independently and safely.
Immediate response gives family members peace of mind in 24/7.

Full coverage in bathroom, kitchen room,
living room, etc. to detect falls

The mmWave radar sensor with detection technology can be installed in all the living
spaces including bathroom,bedroom to detect falls without the need for weareable
fall detection pendants or other actives alerting devices.

Learn more about this fall detection sensor

Senior care solutions from Hobacare AloT sensors
accurately collecting and analyzing rich data of human
behaviors ensure resident to live independently and safely,
or enable caregivers to enhance resident wellbeing.

Fall detection

Detecting movement like a fall, then sending the alert to the related people and medical institutions.

Sleep Quality

Monitoring sleeping quality.

No need to use wearable.


In/Out of bed or room status.

Analyze behavior patterns like nocturia and remaining time in toilet, etc.. Provide early warnings and prediction of unnormal health like potential diseases of the urinary system, kidney, diabetes and digestive disorders.

Respiratory Rate

Monitoring micro motion

Provide analysis report of early signs of deterioration for chronic disease of AHI and COPD.

Heart Rate

Monitoring micro motion

Provide analysis report of early signs of

deterioration for chronic disease of heart

arrhythmias such as A-fb, Tachycardia,

Bradycardia,PVCs, Pause, Cardiac arrest.

Learn more

Data-Driven solutions to Ecosystem Partners

The rich data accumulated is driving the engagement by not only the relatives, doctor, hospital,
aged care community, but also with pharmacy enterprises, insurance companies, etc..